Guinea pigs are a good pet if you're busy. They're low maintenance compared to dogs- you don't have to walk them, and the most work you have to do is to clean out their cages a handful of times every week. They don't track stuff all over your rugs because they stay in the cage unless you've taken them out. They're cheaper to purchase, and to care for. You can generally get their favorite treats- mine prefer iceberg lettuce and kale- fairly inexpensively at the local supermarket. They're pretty independent, but you can play with them when you feel like it. They're not nocturnal, like hamsters, so they'll sleep when you do. And they're so cute, which is nice.
I think the only possible response is: Awh...
I advised my girlfriend to get a guinea pig instead of a dog, but wouldn't you know it, she just won't listen!
Guinea pigs are a good pet if you're busy. They're low maintenance compared to dogs- you don't have to walk them, and the most work you have to do is to clean out their cages a handful of times every week. They don't track stuff all over your rugs because they stay in the cage unless you've taken them out. They're cheaper to purchase, and to care for. You can generally get their favorite treats- mine prefer iceberg lettuce and kale- fairly inexpensively at the local supermarket. They're pretty independent, but you can play with them when you feel like it. They're not nocturnal, like hamsters, so they'll sleep when you do. And they're so cute, which is nice.
How's that?
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