Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Criterion Watch, May/June 07 (Warning: flagrant overuse of the word "awesome" ahead)

Let's face it folks... I might go bankrupt just buying new Criterions. To wit:

Fucking awesome.


You guessed it- awesome.

Awesomeness I somehow managed not to buy the first time. These things have a way of working out...

Yeah, this is awesome, but it would be even more awesome if a DVD release of O LUCKY MAN! was on the way.

And saving the most awesome news of all for last...

Awesome fucking SQUARED. My pants are tightening at the thought of it. That's a total of 8 times I use the word "awesome" in various forms, not including the post title. In other words, a whole lotta awesome- and these are just the ones I've seen. I think I need to lie down...


Paul C. said...

Dude! I'd love to see THE THIRD MAN or SANS SOLEIL or even ARMY OF SHADOWS again for the first time. You're in for an awesome (there's that word again) next several months.

Steve C. said...

I've also not seen Sans Soleil, but I'd buy the DVD even if it was just La Jetee. Because La Jetee is tits-out awesome.

Also, as much as I dug O Lucky Man!, if.... was a crucial film in my taste development, one of the first "older" films I actively sought out and loved once I saw it. (Remember when Bravo used to play movies like that and The Rapture? That was awesome.) Still haven't taken the Britannia Hospital plunge, though...

Ryland Walker Knight said...

You see they got IVAN'S CHILDHOOD coming out in July?

Paul C. said...


Oh yeah. It's not my favorite Tarkovsky by any means, but it's still Tarkovsky. And I also noticed Les Enfants Terribles (which I have yet to see), Ace in the Hole, and the Teshigahara box set on their site. I might make this a regular thing, giving Criterion updates every month or so. With their recent track record, heaven knows they warrant it.