Thursday, April 12, 2007

Movie Moment #8

Also this week:

In Praise of the Mass Experience: The Ohio Science Fiction Marathon- tickets are still available. Hint hint.

Cinema's Best No-Sex Sex Scenes, Part 1 and Part 2- I've been busy with other stuff, so I was only able to do one blurb. But if you're only gonna write about one scene for a piece like this, you can't get much better than PERSONA.


Paul C. said...

Yeah, that's a pretty awesome scene, but the point of the list was to spotlight scenes that weren't lead-ins to sex, but scenes that substituted some other activity- talk, eating, dance- for sex altogether. I actually wanted to write about this scene originally, but upon further review, I concluded that it didn't really fit this description.

Paul C. said...

That's a good one too, but we were limited to 10. Although I'll keep it in mind if we ever do a follow-up list.